On Life and Love

Whatever is making or breaking my day.

  • Greg-the-cat, drowsing on their cat tree.
    On Life and Love

    Migrating G Suite to Gmail

    Have Google Home and a G Suite account and wish your calendar was accessible? Good luck waiting for Google (2+ years) or messing around with external services to bridge the gap.  An alternative is to switch back to Gmail and get it to send/receive using your personalized domain. Ugh. Unfortunately, Google seems to be sticking to the idea that G Suite is now for businesses, not personal use, so there are a few things G Suite users are being denied. I have a Google Apps for Domains account (now G Suite) for irrsinn.net, and have for years. A lot of stuff to tied to it–OAuth, Hangouts history, voice personalization, keyboard…

  • Early 2017 Season Garden
    On Life and Love

    2017 Gardening Round Up

    Huh… How have I not posted on my recent gardening work at all? In fact, I haven’t posted about gardening since 2011, which is, like, forever ago and very different from what I’m doing now. Here’s a little insight into what I did last year, and I’ll do a follow-up on how I’m kicking off 2018. Last year, I expanded from the single saguaro I mentioned in 2011 (who has been through some shit, I tell you) to a pretty sweet cactus/succulent garden for a newbie. Anything I bought directly was targeted to be able to handle USDA Zone 7 winter living at least–I have some great books to help…

  • On Life and Love

    Ye Olde Tentacles – “The Majesty of Colors” Remastered

    You would think that with all the sites I run, the podcast, and my day job as a web developer that I wouldn’t get worked up about things like game releases, but… yeah. So first, the deets. We’ve been working on remastering Greg’s 2008 Flash game “(I Fell in Love With) The Majesty of Colors” for a while now—since 2016. (See our post “Crashing and Burning on Multiple Projects” for the gist of why a 450 hr project can take two people over a year.) …I kinda like it. ^_^ I won’t forget the first time I played it on my Surface and used my finger to drag down a…

  • On Life and Love

    Long-awaited Granny Squares Design Going Live

    Years, folks. Years. That weird fabric texture background is finally going away. Ever since I’ve thrown myself full-tilt at Future Proof Games, I’ve let my older side projects run as they are with no updates from me unless something was catastrophically wrong. A lot has changed on the web since Granny Square Colors got a major update from me, though: tablets and smartphones are even more popular among the GSC user base, Internet Explorer isn’t the worst thing to develop for anymore, and I’m a way better architect and coder than I was a handful of years ago.

  • On Life and Love

    Audacious Compassion: a Podcast About… That

    Did y’all know I’m the co-host of a podcast? “Audacious Compassion” is a monthly podcast I record with MacGregor in which we take listener questions about ways they’re having trouble being compassionate in everyday life. Much like in our game design, we hope to enable and inspire not just general compassion, but compassion when it’s hard, when it takes audacity to enact.