
Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club

This novel, now a movie, tells of two young men, one of which starts a destructive club (Fight Club) with the intent to wake up the world and change it, and the other who must deal with his insomnia, his conscience, and a desire to hit bottom.

I fell in love with this book on the second page. It’s that simple. Palahniuk’s writing style and choice of content grabbed me, and to be perfectly truthful, haven’t let go of me yet, although I am done with the book. This book appealed to me in the base way Fight Club appealed to the men in the book. Although I don’t believe in destroying things to make a statement, the reasons that Tyler Durden wished to change the world made some sense to me.

The book is also considerably darker than the movie. I think another part of the appeal of this book to me was the contrast between the Hollywood version and the “real” version. It almost seemed to underscore some the points in the novel, or at least the general theme.

I would recommend this book to anyone looking for something new and original and funny and shocking to read. This isn’t a fairy tale or a joke, although no fiction book should be taken too seriously. I would not recommend this book to die-hard pacifists or squeamish folks.