
W00t w00t! (Is that how it’s spelled?)

I can honestly say I don’t care how “w00t w00t” is spelled. I’m happy now, despite a loudly negative reaction to my post about reparations.

Looks like I’m two for two (maybe even three for three, depending on a possible quiet withdrawal response to my post about drinking that I don’t feel like linking to) about pissing people off. What can I say? I’m sorry I bothered her by including quotes of her post, but I’m not sorry about what I wrote. Hell, it’s my fucking haven. Which, for some odd reason, my father keeps saying as “heaven”. No, father-deary. Not quite. There’s a little bit of difference in the meanings. Don’t ask to explain it in words, though.

Anywho, I got my IB scores today… and I got the diploma. I got 34 points, which is not bad given that I only took one higher level science. I scraped by with a 4 in physics, which is just passing, but got a 7 in Math Methods (the highest grade possible, although I will say the test contained very little Calculus), and 6’s in French and Computer Science (I took the test for CS last year). My English and History grades were as mediocre as I expected on my more pessimistic days (although I did love that poem I wrote about on the English exam)–both were 5’s. I also got an extra point for my Theory of Knowledge paper, but not for my Extended Essay.

Closure is good. Very good.