
Heading out.

We’re heading out for Rose this afternoon, rather than tomorrow, so that Mother-dear can rest up for a day.

I have directions from Charlotte to the hotel in Lexington we’ll visit tonight. I don’t need directions from Lexington to Paris, should I choose to visit my grandmother and brother. Then there are directions from Lexington to Luke’s, should we choose to stop by, and directions from Luke’s to Terre Haute. If not, I have directions from Lexington to Terre Haute. I have phone numbers of hotels and people I may visit.

What I don’t have is all my shit packed. Le sigh. At least I can travel “light”, since the bulk of my stuff is in storage…

T minus 3.5 hours…

One Comment

  • Luke


    Lissa-love came to see me today. 😉 We had fun and now she’s been in my room and was “filing things away” as she put it…I can only hope she didn’t get enough info. to want to play infinite questions with me.