A Packed Week(end)
I have several days of good stuff to talk about. These past few days have been… mostly good, a little odd.
Friday, March 28, 2003
Michael and I drove up to Greenboro, NC to surprise our friend Mia on her birthday. She was attending the HOSA competition with Jenny and others. Jenny knew we were coming, of course, but Mia didn’t. The look of happiness and surprise on her face was well worth the trip. Hannah, unfortunately, couldn’t go, although she was missed.
We bought Mia a cake in Charlotte before we left, along with candles (which we quickly lit and blew out in the hotel room). It was a too-rich chocolate cake with fudge icing. It was good, but damn. Entirely too much chocolate.
We ended up hanging out in the hotel room (there were five girls in one room; five of any type of people in a single room is just bad news) doing nothing but watching stupid television shows and waiting for them to become hungry enough for us to order a pizza. I think Michael and I (I, who hadn’t eaten since 5:30 that morning) were about to chew through the furniture, yet we waited almost patiently. But we essentially spent the three hours we were there watching television. Bleh. But I was glad to see Mia so happy.
Saturday, March 29, 2003
I worked on Jenny’s Senior Exit Project, a birth plan, and struggled to come up with an idea for my own, which was to be presented on Monday. Ugg. However, Rose-Hulman (again named top engineering school in the nation among those offering bachelor’s and master’s degrees) upped the college-process ante by offering me full tuition, much like WPI. So I begin to plan a trip there for the weekend of April 4.
Sunday, March 30, 2003
Senior Exit, all day, baby. Finished my product about 2:15 a.m. Monday morning. I also found a blog with this… interesting post about the war that I wanted to… dissect (think “sarcasm” for those who know the original, Greek meaning), but I lost the URI; I shall hunt, because the writer actually had some intersting points.
Monday, March 31, 2003
*Sigh*… I presented today. After three mistries with my laptop (the battery module is antually dead, so when moving the laptop caused the cord to hook onto the edge of the table and unplug… well, I had to boot all over again. And again), I managed to show them my website. The presentation was supposed to be 8-10 minutes… well, ask my favorite pregnant English teacher (the one still pregnant) if I ever gave a speech within time limits. 35 friggin’ minutes! Yeah. I was very much afraid I would be counted off for that, but they didn’t cut me off (they could have), so I worried little. But now, until exam time, I am done with school stuff. No more projects, no more speeches or papers for IB, nothing other than normal assignments. Yay!
Tuesday, April 1, 2003
An almost humdrum day. Mia got into Duke (Yay!). and Hannah got lots and lots of money from MIT (I don’t know if she wants me to put the amount here, but it doesn’t leave much for her and her parents to tackle). Yay!
My day started with Dulin telling me that one of my panel board members was complaining about the length of my presentation. I start to really worry that I won’t pass, and thus, won’t graduate. So what does the inherently emotionally stable Melissa do? She busts out into sobs in the middle of the classroom she frequents in the morning. Geez-us! Dulin was all like, “Well, she wasn’t complaining, she was just saying it was really long, you know?” But it’s already all over school among the teachers. I finally calmed down a few minutes later, although I felt bummed throughout first block.
After thrid block, Dulin was so cool as to tell me he quizzed the panel member and she told him that I did “well” (although she couldn’t give out the grade, of course). During lunch, I ran into her in a hallway and she reiterated that I did “very well” and asked for my help in fixing up a chart in Access tomorrow. Yay!
When I got home, I reserved the hotel (motel, actually; hell, I’m paying for it) for my trip to Terre Haute, Indiana tomorrow. RHIT, here I come!