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    Go here. I’m sorry. [Listening to: Something Fresh/Mama Used to Say – Spooks – S.I.O.S.O.S., Vol. 1 (04:15)]

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    "I’m flesh, not bone…"

    Yesterday was both the best and worst day I’ve had at Rose yet. Fer skerious (to quote a friend). I woke up at 06:30 after about four hours of sleep, and proceeded to skip breakfast, barely pass a major Physics exam (I’ve estimated my grade at about 75%, using the answers he posted online) that my friend Kitty-Cat burst into tears and sobs in the middle of, and mumble my way through my Rhetoric class because I hadn’t finished my reading in the one class I can (and usually do) hold my own. I went on to hurredly scribble some answers to my curve-sketching Calculus assignment minutes before the class…

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    I would just like to say, for the record, that I love Luke. Luke, more affectionately known by some of us girls on the Thorn staff as Chunk (a reference to “The Goonies”), keeps all of us on the Thorn staff as sane as we can be. When I feel like ranting, cussing, throwing shit, and hitting my co-workers (particularly our very own George Dawkins. Grr), Luke is there to diffuse the situation. Folks, when it gets past 01:00 (and thus way past my bedtime), this is crucial, as I quickly alternate between hella giddy and hella bitchy the more tired I get. He patiently helps me with my sthoopid…

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    Ms. Chemistry Pulls Through

    Smart people are cool. In response to the chemistry “challenge”: The slush phenomenon Does, in fact, occur in water. It’s just that (a) most freezers are set below the melting point of water (duh) so that the water freezes completely, therefore the water will freeze quickly into solid ice rather than a slush (the temp is not close enough to water’s melting point for an equilibrium slush state, like hail vs snow in clouds–same deal), whereas sodas have solutes which expand the range between melting and boiling points (that is, the boiling point goes higher and the melting point lower) and so what you see in a freezer as “slush”…

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    All Your Bandwidth Belong to Us

    You know what’s freaky? When the people you normally watch end up watching you. Ever since I made a passing comment to a certain cute CS major as he was stumbling around my floor like a lost lamb and he had the chance to mentally connect me with the person that had left a comment on his site and a fellow CS major, he’s been watching me. It’s hella weird. Everytime I turn around, if he’s present, he’s watching me. And it needs to stop. That may sound really hypocritcal, given that I’m not above some staring myself, but first, I suspect the reasons behind his observant behavior are different…