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    Ain’t that some shit?

    Things are going well for me. Dr. M has slowed down my work on the organic matter project to a crawl while Jenn runs an experiment. Either that, or I am supposed to be crunching the data already, and I just don’t know it yet. That leaves me with energy to work on the TiON project (the semiconductor), which is good, since P., who is really supposed to be the principal student investigator at Rose, just started his position as a counselor at a Calculus program Rose runs, reducing his hours to maybe three hours a day. He was kind enough to leave me with a botched actinometry experiment I…

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    …coefficients can be determined by multiplying the measured absorbance of your sample at each wavelength by 2.303 (which comes from a log transformation) and dividing by your pathlength, which is usually 0.0100 m (1.00 cm)… Right. Sorry. Wrong kind of absorption. So I went out for coffee and sno-cones last night with this guy, who I shall call the Cool CS Guy for a lack of imagination, and we’re talking, as most people tend to do when sitting down and drinking chai, and I had a small epiphany about myself: much of the extent of my more pleasant social interactions involve what I’m [now] terming “absorption”. When I meet people…

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    On being in two places at once

    Today I have my brain split. P., with whom I am to work on the semiconductors project, starts work today. This week, we are supposed to learn how to use the HPLC, whatever gas chromatography equipment is reserved for our use, get our lab area set up in general (we have to keep completely separate glassware, for instance), and set up our lamps for running experiments with the photocatalyst. But I’m not done with the Antartica project yet. Jenn, and I may very well be running a decidedly large experiment this week, doing a photobleaching experiment in triplicate, then basically running three sets of analysis on the samples we draw…

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    Please excuse my bumminess

    Yeah, so, I don’t have a car. And I’m living off-campus. This, of course, presents problems as soon as my schedule deviates from Jenn’s, and there are few things more annoying than a mooch. First there’s the everyday mooching a ride off Jenn to get to work. This isn’t so bad in terms of convenience since we live together, but we aren’t exactly splitting wear-and-tear on cars between mine and hers. The best I can do is give her gas money and follow her schedule as much as I can. Bumminess #1. And then, Wednesday was social night for the girls at work, but I had a lot of work…

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    A documentation system? A goal for the next couple of days.

    Since active coding (other than basic fix-er-ups) is on hiatus while Dr. M and our Regressions Guy (it’s funny when you go to a school so small that there’s a single person in the Math Dept. that is an expert on regression analysis) attempt to isolate a method to estimate the error with the model we’re using, I’m hitting the documentation hella hard until a solution is reached. I want it to be as near iron-clad as I can get it. I’m at something of an impasse, however–how do people write documentation systems? Obviously, I can create a user’s guide and a developer’s guide in HTML (or maybe using a…