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    My own little pity party

    I missed the show I was supposed to see tonight, a musical by a local high school that contains some friends of mine. The fat fuck in the booth helping about two people an hour just sat there and watched as the people in the line next to mine ordered the last set of tickets while my mother ran to fix her hair after we ran two blocks in the pouring rain. I managed to avoid openly crying in the car on the way to the movie theater to see a movie I didn’t want to see, because it is absolutely absurd to cry about not getting to see your…

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    The highlight of my day

    I just finished another draft of my French presentation. I took it to school to be proofread by someone with some knowledge of French, and… wow. I was much more tired than I thought I was when I wrote it last night. Mistakes and errors that I could have fixed were pointed out with a murmured, “Muh-lissa“. Oops. Then oops again, and again; I knew commencer required the preposition à when followed by an infinitive. Hell, that’s the only one I do remember, but I still didn’t put it. Some were honest, picky cultural mistakes that I wouldn’t have found even in my Concise Larousse. Others were rather hilarious: Mme:…

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    Oh, là là!

    I’m working on a French assignment now that is to be my IB French Oral Presentation. It’s the first essay that I have written in French that I am moderately proud of the subject matter. It concerns the education of children in America (and the problems therein). It deals a little with the roots of these problems, and how the problems I see in the classroom develop. It has to be a 2-3 minute prepared presentation, and must be memorized. After I’ve revised it several times, I think I will post it in the essay section. It will remain in French, of course, as the vocabulary is simple and would…

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    It’s always the quiet ones

    I find it fascinating how reading and the Internet allows people to find others they have much in common with, whether in personality, interests, goals, or other areas. It makes people feel a little less misunderstood and alone. Hence my interest in the article “Caring for Your Introvert”. Do you know someone who needs hours alone every day? Who loves quiet conversations about feelings or ideas, and can give a dynamite presentation to a big audience, but seems awkward in groups and maladroit at small talk? Who has to be dragged to parties and then needs the rest of the day to recuperate? Who growls or scowls or grunts or…

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    Oh, the beautiful acceptance letters

    I just got an acceptance letter from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. I am beyond ecstatic. I have no idea how I am going to do my homework tonight. But I’m looking at their financial aid information, and although they seem mildly biased towards Indiana residents and loans, I think I can get together enough money. I’m seriously considering accepting. But my mother suggests I wait a couple of days, so that the excitement fades a little. Will it fade? The summary of my thoughts right now: I can’t believe I got into a selective school like RHIT… and YAY! If I get into Carleton College as well, I am going…