On Life and Love

Moving and shaking me

Who’s moving and shaking me? [tag]Jack McCarthy[/tag]. [tag]Rachel Kann[/tag]. [tag]Michael Guinn[/tag]. [tag]Carlos Andres Gomez[/tag].

How and where? Indiefeed: Performance Poetry (podcast). Gomez’s “Daddy’s Girl”. McCarthy’s “The Whole Chalupa”. Kann’s “Words Fail Me”. Guinn’s “Beautiful”. McCarthy’s “Cartalk: A Love Poem”, “A Modest Proposal”, “Drunks”, “Substances”, and “Cartalk II: Catholics & Carthieves”.

I don’t know that I can successfully comment on each poem and how each has affected me–most floored me, some made me choke back tears, some (especially McCarthy’s) made me laugh while hitting the truth dead-on.

Performance poetry is relatively new to me, and I’m hungry for more. Suggestions and links are welcome.

Gomez’s “Daddy’s Girl” was the first I heard on the Indiefeed podcast, and although WO had already told me about it, I was shocked into silence. I listened to it four times that day. I’ve listened to the others on the list above at least twice.

Before that, I’d watched a little of that teevee show, Black.White, and heard some of the poetry there (and fell in love). On a side note, I’m not sure that show had much redeeming value aside from the poetry, although I admired the attempt.

[tags]performance poetry, indiefeed, podcasts[/tags]