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    Relearning to Bind Off

    My beautiful scarf is done! Way back on my bir’day, Scott bought me some fancypants yarn that I started working into a wavy scarf. Seven months, 5.5 feet of unstretched scarf (and most of a blanket and two dice bags…) later, I have a scarf, currently blocked out on my roommate’s floor. Hey, he wasn’t there at the time. Not my fault he came home that night after I went to bed. I’m not keeping the scarf–it’s going to my much more colorful sister–but I’m really proud (and glad!) it’s done. Aside from the little dice bags to break up these longer projects, this is my first sizable finish since…

  • On Life and Love

    Weekly Linkage

    This week’s internet cruising: The Perry Bible Fellowship: Game System – Not a console system I want to take up, thanks. Doctors are human | The Incidental Economist – Any time an article about scientific research includes the statement, “Let’s ignore the ethical implications of this for a moment and marvel in scientific wonder,” you know you’re reading something good. Ultra-strange encounter with a client at the supermarket – I always worried about running into certain clients in my personal errands for just this reason. And last but certainly not least: “My Fingers Stopped Working 3 Years Ago”.

  • On Life and Love

    Simple Recipes for Tastiness

    Joining the CSA last month has transformed our kitchen into a palace of happiness. …Well, maybe not such a huge transformation. But we’re definitely cooking differently. For instance, Greg now keeps stock bags: one contains the unwanted bits from vegetables (stems and ends and skins), another contains the bones (etc.) from chickens that we eat. These live in the freezer until we have need of a stock, and then are boiled into bliss to produce either veggie or chicken stock. Having very little waste as a result of cooking greens or chard is pretty damn awesome. Having tasty stock (spiced as we desire) whenever we want: priceless. It beats trying…

  • On Life and Love

    Weekly Linkage

    There’s no real theme here, just some fun, educational reads. Why Whites Avoid Movies With Black Actors | Miller-McCune – "White moviegoers seem convinced that films with black stars are not made for them; they are not the films’ intended audience." The Autism/MMR Fraud – Lots of good details on the publication that started the Autism-MMR link that anti-vaccine parents believe in. The comments on this post get very wonky, but the post itself is good. Revenge of the Feminerd: Geek Peeves | Bitch Media – There's a Hello Kitty XBox? Kate Mulgrew is anti-choice?! Photo: Self Identity – Let me self-identify however I want. How to Run a Profitable…

  • On Life and Love

    The Wedding

    I’ve had a month to reflect and absorb. Surely I can put words to this wedding business now, right? First, go watch the video/slideshow. I punched Picasa repeatedly to make that thing happen (Google’s getting feedback on that mess, hmph!), and I like to think it demonstrates the tone of the wedding. A recording of at least the ceremony is forthcoming, but I gotta figure out how to get it from the cool lady who showed up with a camera. I spent almost a year considering getting married, a few months being really stressed about the planning we weren’t doing “quickly enough”, about three weeks in “whatever, let’s wrap this…