• On Life and Love

    Banking Dilemmas

    My big pet-peeve right now? ING Direct only allows a person to have one checking account, even if one is joint and the other individual. I can have a million and one savings accounts with them, but only one checking account. Aside from the line-of-credit aspect to their overdraft, it’s unclear to me why that is. I’m looking to open a set of individual bank accounts (checking and savings) by the end of the year, and am conflicted.

  • On Life and Love

    Bobcats First-Timer

    I got to see my first NBA game tonight! The Charlotte Bobcats played the Golden State Warriors, and I was sitting with friends and coworkers, happily munching popcorn and chips and learning the rules. One of the cool aspects of seeing hockey and basketball games in person is how much easier it is for me to retain rules knowledge. I, for the life of me, cannot keep very good track of football games’ downs and when field goal kicks are going to happen. But both hockey and basketball make a lot more sense to me now that I’ve seen them in person. The Bobcats didn’t win, and kept a (apparently…

  • On Life and Love

    A Five Letter Word

    I’ve only ever really been faced with dealing with the label of “abuse” about three times in my life. I don’t mean handling the aftereffects–I live with that every day, in one fashion or another. I mean to really sit, let the idea and label roll around in my heart and mind, and to feel what that concept means and whether or how it applies and ripples. Don’t run from it. Don’t excuse it. Don’t justify it. Leave aside explanations of “systems”. Don’t box it up, write that label, and stuff it in the closet. Just sit, and feel the weight of it, of both the acts and the label.

  • On Life and Love

    6.25 miles: The Longest Run Evar

    No, really, it’s the longest I’ve ever run. It was painful, and I’m worn out, helped by a big weight-lifting session last night. The first mile, as usual, was a little rough as I tried to find my stride. Miles two and three were pretty smooth, aside from the fact that I’d opted to go downtown. Me not being a car moving 30 mph, I couldn’t really time the light cycles, and often had to stop and wait for a green. Since I’d already been intimidated by the prospect of the run, I wanted the route to be a simple out-and-back, so I didn’t take the “whichever way is green”…