On Life and Love

1.628 mm

That’s the diameter of a 14 gauge ear piercing.

That’s what I’m wearing now.

14g and 12g tapers
The pink is the 14g taper, while the blue are 12g.

It took about 4 hours to get the taper–a polite word for a spear–fully into my bottom ear piercing, and while I didn’t cry, I certainly whimpered and winced at all the ensuing throbbing. I don’t understand how 0.337 mm difference can hurt so much.

Initially, it was no worse than the pain of my second piercings (which was rather painful, I admit), but on day two, I had a terrible headache (radiating from ear to jaw and beyond) and my headphones had to be worn in 15 minute intervals. I definitely rushed the taper insertion, though. When I move to 12g, I’ll take the whole day for it.