• On Life and Love

    Choosing the Unconventional Path

    Last year, Greg and I expanded the boundaries of our relationship pretty drastically. It went really badly, but has resulted in an immense amount of growth for me: I’ve never been so independent within this relationship, so free to say “no” and feel my feelings without justifying or suppressing them. And here you all probably thought I was kick-ass assertive 24/7.

  • On Life and Love

    Weekly Linkage

    This week’s internet cruising: The Perry Bible Fellowship: Game System – Not a console system I want to take up, thanks. Doctors are human | The Incidental Economist – Any time an article about scientific research includes the statement, “Let’s ignore the ethical implications of this for a moment and marvel in scientific wonder,” you know you’re reading something good. Ultra-strange encounter with a client at the supermarket – I always worried about running into certain clients in my personal errands for just this reason. And last but certainly not least: “My Fingers Stopped Working 3 Years Ago”.