• On Life and Love

    Two weeks’ linkage, ah, ah, ah

    For two weeks’ worth of links, there aren’t very many. Then again, I do still have 173 unread items in Google Reader. glenscott.net » Restore an Eee PC 701 back to factory Xandros from a USB stick with no ASUS Support DVD – This proved quite handy last night in restoring ol' Tammy to defaults for Greg. The legend of the superprogrammer – "Caper Jones, in an unpublished 1977 study for IBM, found that the very best developers are much more productive than the worst programmer — when working on small projects. The best developer will complete a 1k line of code (LOC) effort 6 times faster than the lousiest.…

  • On Life and Love

    Quasi-daily linkage

    Román Cortés » Pure CSS Coke Can – Courtesy of a colleague; this is pretty awesome. Ubuntu 9.04 on Asus Eee PC 701 – Um, yes please. I'm totally doing this tonight or tomorrow. I'm unimpressed with Xandros on Tammy (my 701). Arthur Benjamin does "Mathemagic" | Video on TED.com – I'm going to have to stop posting 90% of the ones I watch, but damn, this guy is good. Charles Fleischer insists: All things are Moleeds | Video on TED.com – This guy is hilarious. Andrea Ghez: The hunt for a supermassive black hole | Video on TED.com – I may just keep posting notable TED.com videos. I hope…

  • On Life and Love

    Quasi-daily linkage

    Links for January 11th from 11:11 to 11:11: A Democracy of Netbooks – I haven't found my netbook to be as revolutionary as Atwood suggests, but mine's an early model, and (I think) more hampered by the limitations of its hardware. I've had to replace its hard drive and screen once each. The newer ones I've used (Tyrone has one) are nothing short of amazing, and barely more expensive than the one I bought.