Sci-fi film canon
Classic sci-fi movies: I’ve bolded the ones I’ve seen, italicized those I want to see, and stricken (struck?) the ones I don’t want to see. I put an asterisk after the ones I own.
I bought a crockpot back before Christmas break with the hope that having one would help me batch-make food for lunches and dinners. Batch-made food means healthier food, because the meals are planned at a time when I’m not hungry (a problem for me). It also means more consistent food, as it’s easy to forget to make my lunch in the rush of morning if I have to do anything other than shovel something into a container. And since forgetting my lunch means I either go hungry (see above about foolish decisions made while hungry) or eat fried crap from an on-campus location, remembering to take a lunch becomes even…
Midnight linkage
Die Anstalt » An amazing head-shrink Flash game. There’s an English version on the site, don’t worry. Scandal of force-fed prisoners » DeLay steps down permanently as House majority leader »