Wen Spencer’s Alien Taste
Last September, I reviewed [tag]Wen Spencer[/tag]’s Tinker, a fantasy novel. This summer I picked up WO’s copy of [tag]Alien Taste[/tag], Spencer’s second novel. She’s grown a decent amount as a writer, in my opinion. Gone is the awkwardly-inserted sex and the overpowered main character. [tag]Ukiah Oregon[/tag], the main character in [tag]Tinker[/tag], does a good job of having limitations and not having sudden personality changes. This book is really a lot of fun if you’re looking for some light reading. It’s not a book that induces a lot of finger-biting over what’s going to happen next, but the characters are fun and do evoke sympathetic reactions. Spencer has evidently turned this…
Stephen King owned me.
And by “owned”, I mean held my attention obsessively for a few weeks as I read, back to back, the books of the [tag]Dark Tower[/tag] series. I loved the first four. I liked the last three, although I felt their flaws increasingly as the series progressed. The ending… the ending in the epilogue rather floored me. It wasn’t original, and may have even been clichéd, but it was… fitting, I think. Or fitting enough. I felt that King had gone through all the trouble of changing Roland through his friendships, only to make the series selfish again at the end with Susannah’s departure and Oy’s death. I was disappointed. I…
Moving and shaking me
Who’s moving and shaking me? [tag]Jack McCarthy[/tag]. [tag]Rachel Kann[/tag]. [tag]Michael Guinn[/tag]. [tag]Carlos Andres Gomez[/tag]. How and where? Indiefeed: Performance Poetry (podcast). Gomez’s “Daddy’s Girl”. McCarthy’s “The Whole Chalupa”. Kann’s “Words Fail Me”. Guinn’s “Beautiful”. McCarthy’s “Cartalk: A Love Poem”, “A Modest Proposal”, “Drunks”, “Substances”, and “Cartalk II: Catholics & Carthieves”. I don’t know that I can successfully comment on each poem and how each has affected me–most floored me, some made me choke back tears, some (especially McCarthy’s) made me laugh while hitting the truth dead-on. Performance poetry is relatively new to me, and I’m hungry for more. Suggestions and links are welcome. Gomez’s “Daddy’s Girl” was the first I…
Advice from the wise
Don’t fry food naked. Just… don’t. It can’t end well.
Am I still the same?
As an underclassman in high school, whenever people were insulting or cruel to me, I would spend a decent amount of energy devising a perfect cutting revenge. Something short and usually based upon very personal, embarrassing/shameful details they’d told me. I’d wait until they’d forgotten about their transgression (not long, for 15-year olds), then remind them casually and right in public of their dog-fucking habits or of the collection of child rape porn they were hiding on their parents’ computer. I developed a nice style, I think. Pleasantly inquisitive, smiling all the while. I don’t do that so much any more. I never figured out why people still confided in…