Weekly linkage
This week’s internet cruising:
- Ottawa school board to ask students if they are gay – The Globe and Mail – This is a little weird. Ottawa is going to ask parents of elementary students and middle/high school students themselves about their sexual orientation. Toronto evidently did this already, and "students weren't bothered by it".
- How to Protest the TSA and Ruin Thanksgiving in One Easy Step — The Good Men Project Magazine – "Oh, and November 24 is the day before Thanksgiving—one of the busiest travel days of the year. That means anyone who chooses to dodge those full-body radiation sarcophagi of X-rated mayhem will gum up the security line quicker than an artery after a McRib sandwich."
- Importing existing visitor stats from Google Analytics to Piwik — jaymz.eu – A handy tutorial for extracting GA data and getting it into Piwik. Only covers unique daily visits, but is plenty for comparing rough values. As I commented there, I had to drop an additional set of tables than what jaymz suggests.
- Is Realistic UI Design Realistic? | Aaron Weyenberg – Very awesome look at the limits of "Realistic" UI design practices.