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    Mass Effect: How Can I Go Back to Fallout 3?

    I can’t imagine myself playing Mass Effect three years ago, but I’m thoroughly awed now. Greg supplied me with a video of Mass Effect‘s heroine being a badass last week and I mentioned that it convinced me to install and fire up the game. Excellent choice. Unfortunately, I’m not done with Fallout 3 yet, and ME is such a better game. Mostly. That is, if you leave off the vehicle driving, which often ends up with me careening up the sides of roads, cliffs, and mountains like a drunken BMXer.

  • On Life and Love

    Weekly Linkage: Grumpy Heroines, CRUD, and Prison Work

    This week’s internet cruising: Questionable Content – Tool reference! What does English sound like to foreign ears? – The Blogs at HowStuffWorks – An absolutely amazing song and video by an Italian comedian faking English, plus some adorable animal sounds. Why CRUD might be what they want, but may not be what they need – Reading this sent me back to an old client’s site (from almost two years ago), remembering the CRUD-based admin console I developed that was such an incorrect way to go about giving them the functionality they needed. Oy. Renaming Many Files At Once with Pattern Matching in Bash | Andy Regan – This proved very…

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    Too Many Shoulder Muscles!

    Iiiit’s Exercise Time! I’ve had three working physical therapy sessions at this point, and my exercises have evolved a bit from the original posture-related set. We’re aiming for endurance and some strength improvements in the muscles surrounding the shoulder, so I’m doing what is (to me) a mind-numbing number of reps: one set of 20 (last week) or three sets of 10 (this week). I’m accustomed to using heavy enough weights that I do, like, 10. One set. Look at all these shoulder motions (“articulations”) and muscles. I’m not using all of the motions in my work yet–adduction work is still out, as are transverse flexion, abduction, and adduction–but I’m…

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    Swimming: A New and Fun Sport

    A lot of my mental energy recently has been focused around my injured shoulder (cool exercise discussion forthcoming!), but I’ve also been considering how to incorporate swimming into my workouts. I love swimming as a opposite to running–it’s much more upper-body intense, and doesn’t have all the impact. Seems like a deadly duo. I haven’t really been a swimmer since I was a pre-asthmatic child, when I could do pretty much any stroke other than the breathing coordination-requiring freestyle, as well as all sorts of diving-esque things that make my lungs seize up in horror to even think of now. The new apartment has a nice little pool just long…