• On Life and Love

    5/3/1: First Two Workouts

    I’ve done my first two workouts (bench and leg press) of the 5/3/1 program, and wow. Just… wow. I included lat pulldowns and rows as the assisting exercises in the bench workout. Mmm, balance. Wonderfully, my shoulder gave me no guff at all, even in the ensuing soreness. (And oh, the delicious soreness.) I think this might be a serious way for me to finish rehabilitating my shoulder. I’ve been stalling for weeks with all the light-weight, high-rep rehab exercises, and the pain levels were staying the same. I iced heavily after the bench workout, and suffered no bone spur-specific pain in the following days.

  • On Life and Love

    Setting up for 5/3/1

    Have you gotten your recommended dosage of sexism lately? I have. I bought an ebook containing a very smart, simple, sensible weightlifting program, and in the process of reading it and surrounding articles, pushed my sexism meter about as high as it would go without me punching someone in the face. Even if punching Jim Wendler would likely get me snapped in half. Look, the dude can bench press over 400 lb. (Although I suppose that being able to bench 400 lb isn’t a true indicator of his infraspinatus strength, so he might not be able to just rip me in half…) If you haven’t gotten your daily dosage of…