• On Life and Love

    APW 2013: (Mental) Ableism

    (This is fourth in a series of posts about Atlanta Poly Weekend 2013.) Now for a downside of my APW 2013 experience: ableism. I didn’t perceive very much physical ableism except for an awkward-as-hell “lame” reference in the closing ceremonies. I don’t think anyone even laughed. Then again, I know I’m also less sensitive to physical ableism than mental, so I wouldn’t be surprised if there were more. For the mental ableism… it was everywhere. Therapists there used the word “crazy” and people talked about their “crazy, bipolar” exes. One person even said their ex was so crazy “they shouldn’t have been allowed to date.”

  • On Life and Love

    APW 2013: Codependency and Identity

    (This is third in a series of posts about Atlanta Poly Weekend 2013.) I was utterly delighted at how many panels and discussions touched on questions of identity and codependence. I mean “identity” here as a self-discovery and self-listening process, rather than the external application of labels. I’m early yet in my own exploration of codependence and the unhealthy behaviors I’ve harbored for many years. One of the things I’m focusing on is (re)discovering my own life patterns and identity. It’s a large component in why I moved into my own apartment. When I saw a 5-7 adult family (with kids!) at APW, my first thought was, “Holy fuck, how…

  • On Life and Love

    APW 2013: Degendering

    (This is second in a series of posts about Atlanta Poly Weekend 2013.) Puck: Hi, I’m Puck. Me: I’m Melissa. Puck: What’s your preferred pronoun? Me: Um? “She.” Puck: Mine’s “they.” I’ve never been asked my preferred pronoun before.

  • On Life and Love

    Pleasant Mobile App: Guidebook

    I’m going to a conference this weekend, so I’ve been preplanning all my time slots (double- and triple-booked, of course, as I do). My last conference was DragonCon, and it used a DragonCon-branded mobile app that was built using Core-Apps’ EventLink and FollowMe platforms. It really struggled to keep up with the heft of DragonCon–every load of or task-switch to the app checked the servers for event info and friends’ statuses, I don’t think Twitter postings worked, and the app crashed pretty frequently on my iPhone 4, particularly when network conditions were bad. I really, really hope DragonCon switches to Guidebook this year. The conference this weekend is much smaller…