• On Life and Love

    How did I do it?

    Somewhere in high school, I did something that made people like me. Now, when I’m in need of help getting where I want to be, there are a lot of people stepping up to help me. Michael’s coming for Commencement (!!!) and to help me move. Nathan visited an apartment complex on my behalf (and toured it!) today. Lisa’s offered to let me stay with her, if I want to hold off on getting an apartment. She already pulled some strings to get me the interview for the Harding position. I guess… I feel humbled, I suppose. I feel as though I’ve lost a lot of what made me admirable…

  • Uncategorized

    Task difficulty: cake

    TINY Linux was the answer. A twelve-diskette install (by which I mean, 4 diskettes, round-n-round) later, I had a small Slackware 4.0 installation on my little laptop that could get on the internet. A little more work (i.e., manually setting network settings, as I had no DHCP client installed yet), and I had an installation that could grab packages from mhvlug.org with wget. I want to mirror this distribution via ftp on irrsinn.net soon, because that is the only resourece for Slackware 4.0 files I could find. Problem is, it’s a bit expensive under my hosting plan to set up anonymous FTP. At the very least, I can mirror it…

  • On Life and Love

    Chunky… Pam?

    I don’t know what to think of this, but I will admit that I like the song and video. Honestly, she flows better than plenty of the jokers on the airwaves now. I don’t know if she’s actually associated with MTV or not. Oh, and because I realized I hadn’t posted this here yet… Who’s bringin’ sexy back? Yeah! And no, I don’t know what’s up with Kirk in that harness. For serious.