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    Second day, better than the first

    I’m not very hungry today. I feel tired, but I slept very roughly last night. I even woke up at one point to find WO comforting me; I was drenched in sweat and upset about something. In the morning, he didn’t remember comforting me and I didn’t remember what prompted him to do so. Very weird. I hate how winter causes all the skin to peel off of my hands. It’s gross and messy and drives me nuts. My keyboard looks like a dandruffy fucker head banged over it for an hour. Oh, wait. That was just me typing! Ew.

  • On Life and Love


    I’ve always wanted to finish a block eraser. To use it until I had a little piece too small to be used. But I always lose them before I get to the end. I have two erasers now that I’ve managed to keep for almost a year each. …I think I may be able to do it… One of them is one of those brown Able Rub erasers that leaves huge shavings behind when you erase. That’ll be the winner, I think.

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    I’ll take a side of change, please.

    I’m so tired of so many things right now. I know how to make things better: journal, exercise, meditate, be emotional. This will make everything from eating to exercising to living to getting things done easier, making for a happy emotional loop, generally speaking. Some things are out of control. I’m looking for the reset button, the thing to help me fully think through my thought processes and emotions. I feel stuck in so many ways, fighting with a life that needs change and a body that isn’t going along willingly. So I’m stopping. I’m doing a short fast (water/fruit juice) today and tomorrow, followed by a vegetarian diet for…

  • On Life and Love

    This Week’s Del.icio.us bookmarks

    Shared bookmarks for del.icio.us user Irrsinn jaylake: An answer to Justine Larbalestier on how to write a novel — A more organic style of writing. Tagged as: [writing] Justine Larbalestier ยป How to write a novel* — This is simply amazing. I found this courtesy of Elf Sternberg, I think. I’m trying her spreadsheet approach. Tagged as: [writing] How to take ownership of a file or folder in Windows XP — Whee. Tagged as: [windows-xp] Access Denied to old hard disk moved to newly built system — Nice to know. Tagged as: [windows-xp software] Ze Frank on TED Talks — A very good performance. Tagged as: [comedy creativity art] The…

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    So I’m filling up my library from memory, and I’ve just discovered the best way to “bloat” it ever. See, back in elementary and middle school, I lived near a Half-price Book Store. During one trip, I discovered… Star Trek books. …I bought them. All of them. So now I have all of the Next Generation and Original Series books released before, say, 1999. Well over a hundred books. *grin* Now I have to keep them in boxes, because I don’t reread them much, and I don’t have that much bookshelf space. I’m excited to see how many books I have in the end. All my shelf space is double-stacked,…