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    Can words describe?

    Anyone who has interacted with me in person for more than about thirty seconds since this weekend has found me short tempered, loud, perhaps excessively vulgar (by even my standards), manic, stonily silent, or fighting tears, sometimes all within a very short span of time. I was dealt a blow this weekend that hurt, and I’m finding myself at a loss for a way to recover from it. I keep telling myself that time and sleep will help, as will my on-going dialogue with Dulin–and I know those things will–but then I find myself staring off into space and pondering things I don’t want to ponder in shameful agony, only…

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    My mother e-mailed me yesterday with our new address and phone number. Something about that seems funny and not right, but I have other things on my mind. When I find a way to write about my troubles, I shall.

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    Random ten.

    Just a random experiment, prompted by a wonderful music experience this morning (my first hearing of the [fucking awesome group Jurassic 5): I had Windows Media Player randomize my entire music collection (3214 songs; 16.02 GB) and figured I’d see what the first ten were. Busta Rhymes, “Pass the Courvoisier (Part 1)”, Genesis One Minute Silence, “Rise and Shine”, Buy Now… Saved Later Pink, “Split Personality”, Can’t Take Me Home Spooks, “Karma Hotel”, S.I.O.S.O.S. A Perfect Circle, “Blue”, Thirteenth Step Korn, “Make Me Bad”, Issues Light, “Panfried [Original/Mind Over Matter Mixes]”, Nothern Exposure, Vol. 2, West Coast Edition Sade, “Pearls”, Love Deluxe 311, “Use of Time”, Transistor Tool, “Hooker with…

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    Good news du jour. Also a little on the state of the union.

    It’s actually good news “du” last night, but I don’t feel like being grumpy at my schedule this early in the quarter, so we’re saying it was for today. Barring a minor catastrophe, Lissa-love–that’d be me–is going to L.A. during Spring Break. Yes, for the entirety of the first full week of April, I will be seeing beaches and sand and possibly San Fran/Bay Area/Stanford area. I most likely won’t even bother to buy a swimsuit, but I am hella excited about the chance to go running on the beach. The sand should be killer on my calves. I’m almost afraid to mention how I’m going on this trip, lest…

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    Funny quiz, but the results are a secret…

    The Ultimate Purity Exam is worth taking just to laugh at the questions and the way they’re worded. I’m not posting the entirety of my scores for the sake of… well, quite frankly, it’s no one’s damn business, but my total score was 86.19% pure (72.7% average). Given that the categories are “Self-Lovin'”, “Shamelessness”, “Sex Drive”, “Straightness”, “Gayness”, and “Fucking Sick”, I’ll leave that open to conjecture as to what I’m hiding. Not that I keep secrets. It’s just that the questions are (reasonably, I supposed) based on experience, rather than projections, which leaves my results kind of… skewed in an unexpected direction (ah, the things you forget until something…