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    The obligatory post on a day with The Cripple

    I’m allowed to call Jenny a cripple. She got her foot run over by a golf cart and has to wear a boot. So Jenny picked me up for lunch around 11:30, and we ate lunch at Qdoba’s. I immediately dived into good conversation–asking anything and everything that would give me a bead on Jenny’s state of mind and being. And since she seemed equally curious, I gave as good as I got, although it was awkward for me to talk about Terre Haute friends. I’ve always made a point of not chattering about Charlotte friends to Terre Haute people–I tend to assume a lack of interest, and unless something…

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    Ah, there is a place for music

    I got through my 45-minute treadmill run this morning (with a wonderful burst of speed around 35 minutes in) because I took along music. And because I was determined to get in a full workout, and since I’m only doing 45 minutes, I want all 45 of them. But it was fun, and wonderful, despite the fact that I was dumn enough to ingest a dairy product before the run, making things… interesting.

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    Bleh. Treadmills.

    I did my run this morning on a treadmill. Where’s the damn wind when you need it? I got hot, and that’s not zesty. Between the heat and the boredom, I only did a half hour. I did, however, do a couple of speed intervals, which was fun. When I gain some transportation, I may drive out to a nearby park and see if I can find a running trail.

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    Forty-five more.

    Friday’s run was another evening run, in which I ran another 45 minutes. I want to be running an hour before the end of summer, but I need to sit on the 45 minute runs until my knees and ankles strengthen up, and they aren’t there, yet. But I can afford to be patient. I also did three sets of 15-second planks. Go me.

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    Living it up on the last day

    I’m ridiculously pleased I went ahead and ran Friday after work, because I woke up this morning short on sleep and with barely enough energy to scrub my bathroom semi-clean one last time. If I’d had some Ajax, that bathroom would be polished, but many people don’t seem to think to buy the hard stuff, it seems. At any rate, I was up at 06:30. I cleaned, I ate, I threw away tons of stuff I couldn’t take home with me and didn’t have time to properly dispose of–I’d replaced my wardrobe of pants about a month ago, and hadn’t made time or arrangements to take the old clothes to…