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    Reclaiming my niche

    I remembered yesterday why I want to be a computer scientist. It seems bad to me that I, known for (among other things) my intense focus and determination, lost my way for two years. I didn’t do a bit of real programming, no design, no new languages, nothing other than idly tweaking others’ programs to make them work on my system or on my website. After the hair-raising C++ project of junior year, I wanted nothing to do with conventional programming. Never would I sit and peck at a keyboard eight hours a day hacking on some big system, trying to implement new features or fix old ones. Who was…

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    Peace and prosperity and a bit of fun

    Yeah, so, I’m at work on a Saturday. Which is quite alright, because this means I have Internet, and can catch up on my site/news reading. Oh, and maybe publish a book review or two, since I finished The Once and Future King a week ago and the first Harry Potter book last night. I’m also a significant chunk into DeLillo’s Underworld and the second Harry Potter book. Looks like this is going to be a moderately decent summer in terms of book reading. Dr. M returned on Thursday and gave us real work to do. I’ve been analyzing the organic carbon and nitrogen content of several samples Jenn used…

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    T. H. White’s The Once and Future King

    In The Once and Future King, White tells the story of King Arthur, Sir Lancelot, Queen Guenever, and surrounding and supporting characters. During the course of four “books”, White moves from Arthur’s childhood with Merlin to his ultimate failure to rid his kindom of Might and Lancelot’s persecution for his affair with Guenever. While the story itself is entertaining, it’s the bursts of insight into humanity White gives us that make the book worth reading again and again. Throughout the book there are several places where something as simple as a small turn of phrase or as large as a passage of description reveals an amazing knowledge of the human…

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    Tee hee and le sigh.

    Twenty Questions (courtesy of Mark)” You are an SEDF–Sober Emotional Destructive Follower. This makes you an evil genius. You are extremely focused and difficult to distract from your tasks. With luck, you have learned to channel your energies into improving your intellect, rather than destroying the weak and unsuspecting. Your friends may find you remote and a hard nut to crack. Few of your peers know you very well–even those you have known a long time–because you have expert control of the face you put forth to the world. You prefer to observe, calculate, discern and decide. Your decisions are final, and your desire to be right is impenetrable. You…

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    Very few, if any, updates for a minute

    So I’m the Haute, living it up in this hellacious house with Jenn (I am so scrapping together the money to rent this house my junior year). Life is good. I have ready transportation, I have a nice job, the ability to workout on campus most days, and I can chill with moderately cool people during the day. I do not, however, have Internet access except for when I’m on campus. I can check e-mail during the lulls at work, but I really spend lulls working on the Java conversion of the UV/VIS data analyzer app. And reading sex tips in the latest Cosmo, courtesy of Jenn. But thus far…