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    Tumblr Integration in PHP4

    Turns out: totally not worth the effort in this case. I’m working on an NPO site right now whose code concerns me more and more as I get into it. I’m new to the group and don’t have a whole lot of time to devote to the site, but one of my first tasks was to get the owner’s recent Tumblr posts to show on the homepage.

  • On Life and Love

    Weekly Linkage: Passports, Robots, and Monopoly

    This week’s internet cruising: No Moods, Ads or Cutesy Fucking Icons (Re-reloaded) » Extraordinary Claims – Dust off your scientific hats for this one. Watts does an interesting analysis of the responses to a paper showing statistically significant evidence of precognition. Other folks apparently jumped all over the precog article with some borderline dishonest critiques, which Watts chews on. The “…the fuck…” exercise. « intangible.ca – Hear, hear. "Think of the last time you had to write an About Us page. Or a FAQ. Or craft an elevator pitch. The big challenge is coming up with a clear, engaging, and succinct description of your project." Change in passport language is…

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    Meditation: Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

    Two lessons learned yesterday: It’s hard to express super-crunkedness about meditation, and it’s hard to meditate for an hour. I went to this group meditation thing last night, and holy crap. I’m a novice (again) at meditation, so I’m normally working in, like, 10 minute stints. How about 25 minutes sitting, 10 minutes walking, then 25 more minutes sitting? Three years ago, I could almost do that. I knew enough this time to get a chair. I have subpar leg circulation, so sitting cross-legged–even on a cushion with butt elevation–would end in tears and a desire for leg amputation. I’d like to want to keep my legs, thanks. So, sitting…

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    What Is This Thing Made of Paper and Glue?

    All the reading I need to do can happen in Google Reader, right? I read a lot of books last year. Like, maybe 50. I didn’t post or write about many of them, because plenty were über-pulpy and just time-killers. All but the couple of technical books were electronic. Being unaware of what I was reading made it pointless. Why’d I pick those books? What’d I learn from them? Meh.

  • On Life and Love

    Weekly Linkage: the TSA, Microwaves, and “Dot Dot Dot”

    This week’s internet cruising: Why You Should Never Search For Free WordPress Themes in Google or Anywhere Else – WordPress, Multisite and BuddyPress plugins, themes, news and help – WPMU.org – I'm not at all surprised by the hackery going on in free WordPress themes. YouTube – Brick in a washing machine – I've always wanted to do this! Twitter’s Response to WikiLeaks Subpoena Should Be the Industry Standard | Threat Level | Wired.com – "Twitter introduced a new feature last month without telling anyone about it, and the rest of the tech world should take note and come up with its own version of it Twitter beta-tested a spine."…