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    Uplink: Soothing Routine, or Monotonous Punch in the Face?

    I picked up Steam’s Indie Future Pack this weekend–great buy, by the by–which includes Uplink, a game about hacking. And more hacking. …And getting caught. The premise and mechanics are pretty simple: you’re an agent of Uplink with a handle, a plaintext password, and a bank account. You connect to the web through your gateway (think: managed, dedicated server), and hack companies and government databases to earn money, increased rating through Uplink, and status amongst your fellow hackers. There’s also some sort of “hack the planet” or “save the cheerleader” plot in there, but we’ll get to that. Or not, actually. I played this game a few years ago and…

  • On Life and Love

    Wedding Video vs. Photos

    A thousand dollars for photos, or a thousand dollars for video? Surely, this is a normal modern bride’s dilemma. If I pick only one to be done professionally, which is better? Or should I pick neither to be done professionally? Disposable cameras on the tables are very “in” now, and neither service is cheap. How often do we really look back on photos? Greg: never. Me: I… like organizing things. On the flip side, how often am I going to watch a video of my own wedding? At our first anniversary? When I’m contemplating divorce in seven decades?

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    Google Apps: Migration to New Services

    As of yesterday, I had two Google accounts: my irrsinn.net Google Apps account and my regular ol’ Google Account. Both had the same email address, but the Google Account let me into services like Reader, Voice, and Feedburner. Having two accounts was annoying, but not unbearable. It meant that Google Voice, for instance, had none of my preciously-maintained and iWone-synced contacts. I just created contacts within Voice as calls came in, no biggie, but I’ve definitely been using the service less as a result. Turns out that Google’s been working on this, and recently added a boatload to services to Google Apps users: Voice, Feedburner, and Reader being the three…

  • On Life and Love

    Weekly linkage

    This week’s internet cruising: Christopher Hawkins – Necessary Rudeness and the Effective Use of Your Time – I love this: "I will go so far as to say that if you are not 100% unavailable for at least 2 hours a day, you probably aren't getting much done that's of any importance." I like the idea of saying, "5 minutes now or 30 minutes by appointment later," but unfortunately, everyone I work with thinks their stuff will only take 5 minutes. …I don't understand that. Christopher Hawkins – 11 Clients You Need To Fire Right Now – My favorite line: "We're white-collar professionals, not street thugs." Nuff said. Fo' sho.…