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    Fundraising Challenge: Hopebuilders 5k

    Bright and early on October 9, I’ll be walking in the Hopebuilders 5k here in Charlotte to help a local children’s hospital. Gotta help the chillun. I’m walking with an awesome team, The Kings and Queens of Pretty. No, that name wasn’t my idea. …Okay, maybe it was. See, what had happened wuz, everyone on the team makes pretty things: websites, games… websites… Anyway, the name works. I did this one last year with some of the Skookum team, and it was a blast. This year, I’m going to mix it up a bit. Buh-buh-BUH: The Challenge Over on the left of this-here blag (if you aren’t on a mobile…

  • On Life and Love

    “Stealth” posted

    “Stealth“–Chapter 11 of Witches–is up! “Actually,” Darnell said as Hardi’s hand moved toward the comm, “I don’t think we’re going to solve anything over a comm. I want to meet in person.” Hardi hesitated, then said slowly, “I’ll… talk it over with the folks here.” “Hardi!” hissed Robert through the doorway. He crooked a finger hurriedly. “Get off the line.”

  • On Life and Love

    Weekly linkage

    Just a few: Passive voice is killing your design documents – " I would argue that if the goal is to communicate clearly, actually stating and explaining the uncertainties is going to be much more helpful to readers." The Size Of Our World – Bad graphical quality, but cool comparison. 6174 (number) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia – Who comes up with stuff like this? Who sits around adding and subtracting numbers to find patterns? Ta Prohm temple at Angkor, Cambodia – Absolutely gorgeous. 8.4 Million New Yorkers Suddenly Realize New York City A Horrible Place To Live – I don't normally read the Onion (maybe I should!), but this…

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    Search-building: custom or Google

    Until earlier this week, I had a lousy site search in place. It was one of Google’s Custom Search Engines, barely configured and only on its own page, due to it’s hefty (and blocking!) JavaScript. I’d long since disabled WordPress’s search since my stories aren’t being run in WordPress, and I didn’t feel like trying to chew on the internal search mechanisms to include the stories. Last week, I started playing around with a project to create my own (Python) site search, including a crawler and Whoosh-based search. I’d seen the implementation of a Lucene search in Zend go fairly easy-peasy, and liked the idea of a self-hosted search. Problem…

  • On Life and Love

    Weekend linkage

    Just a few, since I’m so far behind on my reading (down to 425 unread items!) and I just posted a set on Friday. Enjoy. How to Help Your Kids Build $25,000 Stock Portfolios – This is a tempting idea even with regards to something like weddings. "Help us retire together without having to eat pork-n-beans." …Naw, that doesn't work as well as with kids. 18 Five-Minute Decluttering Tips to Start Conquering Your Mess | zen habits – Since I haven't dedicated a full weekend to clearing out junk in a while, stumbling across this article was quite nice. Baby steps. Designing Microsites: Factors To Consider – Again, this is…