• On Life and Love

    New Transhuman Congress story: “Cultivating Progress”

    I finished up the Transhuman Congress arc of Ted with the story “Cultivating Progress“: “I guess it’s my turn now,” drawled Baud Scoli of the mid-Atlantic region. I paid more attention. A stocky, bare-headed woman of middle years, Scoli was notoriously blunt but generally fair, in my opinion. “I don’t know why the hell we’re all on parade, honestly,” she started. “Conscript the artificials and leave the real people out of it. Done.” There should be a lot of fun tidbits for folks frustrated with a lack of answers thus far in the series. If you – like I – don’t remember what was going on in the plot, check…

  • On Life and Love

    But I don’t want to make your day

    All I needed was a stopper for a file cabinet. Some slider shelfy thing that would hold up my measly 10 file folder. What I got was a Great Moment of Objectification. I strolled up to a group of potential helpers, and as I asked the one I’ve seen most around the office, “Hey, do you know where I can find–” his buddy gave me a once-over and muttered, “Mmm, mmm. You just made my day.”

  • On Life and Love

    Quasi-daily linkage

    Wal-Mart Discrimination Scandal – Why am I unsurprised to hear that Wal-Mart supposedly discriminates against its female employees? All sorts of subtle errors creep in when you forget race is a proxy for socioeconomic status | Prometheus 6 – "Nationwide, black women were twice as likely to be obese when compared to white women. However, the researchers found that obesity rates were comparable in a sample of white and black women living in similar social and environmental conditions." My silence on the Times Square bombing is over | Prometheus 6 – To iPhone Or Not To iPhone, That is the Question " SmoothSpan Blog – A nice overview of the…

  • On Life and Love

    Addicted to dancing

    The best thing I’ve done for myself so far this year is to take up dancing. Hands down. Looking back to even November and December, I was struggling just to get up in the morning and go to work. All sorts of drama at work was making me question my own value professionally and personally.

  • On Life and Love

    Writing long-hand

    A coworker of mine was sweet enough to give me a gorgeous Moleskine notebook–120 pages, can lie almost perfectly flat when open, and a paper cover that can be drawn on. Perfect for writing short stories. It’s great because I don’t get caught up in the foibles of technology that interfere with getting into a flow. I don’t have to worry about making sure I have the right USB drive in, or having internet access. It also really helps with letting a story go until its real end. It’s not a matter of word counts and limiting terms like “flash fiction”; it’s just… writing. Problem is, of course, it’s slower.…