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    Left 4 Dead — a gateway drug?

    I seem to find an FPS that I enjoy every few years. First, there was Doom 2. Subsequent games within my field of view (Quake (2), Halo) were too complicated for me in their control schemes. Crouching, jumping, aiming. Doom 2 had none of these, was still great. Playing Quake was like moving from a 3-button Sega Genesis controller to a modern XBox 360 controller. Buttons everywhere for shit I couldn’t keep track of.

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    Custom Left 4 Dead map: Zelda

    With the release of the Left 4 Dead campaign bundler thing last week, I hunted around yesterday for compiled user-made campaigns… and found not a single complete one in the VPK format. Folks had levels as separate files that sort of made campaigns, but I don’t much feel like manually changing levels when I play. I like the seamless nature of a campaign. But one level tempted me enough for me to play it: zteer’s Zelda map. It’s definitely a change from the standard levels, adding a very Zelda feel. It’s got keys, teleporting hands, doors that lock until all monsters are killed, and — very awesomely — a dungeon…

  • On Life and Love

    Tastee (del.icio.us) links! (June 26th)

    Links for June 26th from 08:26 to 08:26: 5 Pet Peeves Designers Have With Developers (and How to Avoid Them) | Webdesigner Depot – "I’ve had to deal with more than one developer who read an article by Jakob Nielson and then wanted to lecture me about good design practice in the middle of a meeting." I suppose if you're paying devs enough to release an unusable site, they should just shut up and code monkey it.