• On Life and Love

    Tampa — the Beach and Beyond

    I finally got around to putting up the pictures from the Tampa trip. That Saturday was our beach day. We walked for a while on one beach, chatting and playing around: We ended up increasingly in the water, despite the fact that Dre and Tyrone don’t swim: Hell, I was wearing jean pants and a fancy shirt, and I got submerged. We finally bought me and Tyrone swimsuits from a little shack on our way to the second beach. We played for hours in the water: tag and variations thereof, me trying to teach them how to float and tread water, etc. We ended up cooling down in a swimming…

  • On Life and Love

    Tasty beer!

    At game last night I actually had a beer I’d seek out again (courtesy of Steve): Wailua. It was still bitter, but — if this makes any sense — the bitterness actually had taste. I hadn’t completely closed the door on beer, but my expectations were pretty low after few types I’d tried.

  • On Life and Love

    So many shenanigans

    Greg ran his second Promethean game tonight. It’s my first time in a bi-weekly campaign, and that combined with my fatigue and the newness means I’m having a hard time getting a grasp on my character. I picked an unusual character type for me (manic and ditzy, albeit smart… like a “blonde” Miles Vorkosigan), which means I have to keep reminding myself not to be the firm and common sensical (read: grumpy) “leader” I usually feel I need to be. We have a nice, small gaming group, and it’s a group that I think I can be comfortable enough with to play a manic and ditzy character. Less urge to…

  • On Life and Love

    Tampa, day 1

    I’m in Tampa, having flown in bright and early this morning (Charlotte to Memphis at 06:50 EST, Memphis to Tampa at 09:00 CST). Memphis’s airport (the two gates I saw of it) was fugly as hell. Brown brick interior walls and square. Looked like some Langoliers shit. Tampa’s airport was mildly confusing, with a shuttle to get from some gates to other areas. Looked new-ish overall, but otherwise unremarkable. Awesome tidbit: the rental car is a Prius. Good stuff, although I scared the shit out of Ma Dre by mistaking the brake for a clutch when trying to park, as I’m wont to do. *stomp* Its little engine display is…