• On Life and Love

    GTD: Implementing with Tracks

    When I started the new job on Monday, I took a bit of time to consider how I wanted to implement Getting Things Done (GTD) in the workplace. After considering my circumstances — glued to a computer all day, no particular need to access issues from home — I decided to try out Tracks, a Ruby on Rails tool for implementing GTD. Looked hot, so after a few failed attempts to get it installed on XP at work, I set up an account on a hosted server and ran with it. …I love it. Now, I have a PDA, you might say. A nice little Sony Clie 610C that’s served…

  • On Life and Love

    1000th post

    This isn’t actually a significant or meaningful post, aside from the fact that’s it’s the 1000th post on this blag. My writing here is often inspired by my readings of books, news, or other blogs, and for the past several days, I haven’t been struck by much that really pinged with me, which is why there have just been several link posts. I’m at the new job, and it’s very nice so far. Because of how late I’m forced to go in in the mornings, I don’t take lunch, and so I’m even less inclined to write here, since my evenings are filled with D & D and financial fun.…

  • On Life and Love

    Tastee (del.icio.us) links!

    These are my links for April 26th through May 1st: Twenty Sided » Blog Archive » Do it again, stupid – I can't stand these DIAS types of games. I've dabbled in Tony Hawk, but only when I can beat levels on the first or second try, or when I can make my character fall in fun ways. Shamus perfectly explains why these games annoy the hell out of me. The 7 Commandments All Video Games Should Obey – Page 7 | Cracked.com – Pretty good — and very funny — list of things video games need to be good and/or interesting. David Sirota: The Importance of Black Voters, and…

  • Uncategorized

    The dissolution of a game

    The Friday Shadowrun game WO ran was riddled with problems from the beginning. One of our players was very argumentative outside of game and a bit of a rules lawyer in game. He was always on time, though, and his mannerisms eventually grew on me. The other two players were never on time after the first week and couldn’t be bothered to notify anyone, much less WO-the-GM (game-master), when they were going to be late or not show up. Each of them had problems with money, to the point where one often didn’t have bus fare. $1.65. He could have called for a ride. WO, the regular player, an myself…

  • Uncategorized

    Not-a-review: A Very Hungry Girl

    I wrote yesterday that I was 39 pages into Jessica Weiner’s A Very Hungry Girl (beware: affiliate link!). I went ahead and finished it last night. I’ll admit that I was a little disappointed by the book, as it soon began to describe Weiner’s work in far more detail than her personal struggles. It became — to a certain degree — more about “stuff” than “people”, even though her work as a writer, director, and performer of motivational works is very much about people. But we went from a nitty-gritty view of her world and the people around her to a 1000-foot view of her work. Even the occasional mention…