• On Life and Love

    On tax returns and economic stimuli

    So, as I’ve made clear in the past, I’ve decided to take on my debt full-tilt using ideas from Dave Ramsey’s books and various financial blogs I read. My budgeting earlier this year was skewed by irregular income for a couple of months, courtesy of leaving teaching, having unemployed time, then starting a new gig. I’ve been chipping down at one debt in particular these past few months — it’s a credit card where one charge went just over the credit limit, blooming in fees and extra charges beyond what I could pay during my paycheck-to-paycheck living while teaching. I made out like a bandit on my tax return this…

  • On Life and Love

    Tastee (del.icio.us) links!

    Links for April 21st from 13:38 to 13:46: Newsweek’s N’Gai Croal On The ‘Resident Evil 5’ Trailer: ‘This Imagery Has A History’ – It’s like they’re all dangerous; they all need to be killed. It’s not even like one cute African — or Haitian or Caribbean — child could be saved. And given […] the not so distant post-colonial history […], why would you uncritically put up those images? Dubious Quality: Race and the Resident Evil 5 Trailer – When zombies don't look enough like zombies and people don't understand their own history.

  • Uncategorized

    Yahtzee strikes again

    I don’t even bother keeping up with commercial video games much, as I’m unlikely to buy them, and very few are made for people like me. That said, I faithfully watch Yahtzee‘s video reviews at The Escapist. Ah, The Escapist… I remember back when I read that magazine and let myself get annoyed by the attempts at providing analyses of female gamers… Anyway, I’ve titled this “Yahtzee strikes again” because the review I’ve embedded below had me howling in laughter, especially at his description of adventure games. That’s how they felt to me, no matter how many WO dragged me through, kicking and screaming. Watch and enjoy. Crank the speakers…