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    Sci-fi film canon

    Classic sci-fi movies: I’ve bolded the ones I’ve seen, italicized those I want to see, and stricken (struck?) the ones I don’t want to see. I put an asterisk after the ones I own.

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    I bought a crockpot back before Christmas break with the hope that having one would help me batch-make food for lunches and dinners. Batch-made food means healthier food, because the meals are planned at a time when I’m not hungry (a problem for me). It also means more consistent food, as it’s easy to forget to make my lunch in the rush of morning if I have to do anything other than shovel something into a container. And since forgetting my lunch means I either go hungry (see above about foolish decisions made while hungry) or eat fried crap from an on-campus location, remembering to take a lunch becomes even…

  • On Life and Love

    Midnight linkage

    Study Blames Many Iraq Deaths on Body Armor – Forbes.com » "The study found that of 39 fatal torso wounds in which the bullet or shrapnel entered the Marine’s body outside of the ceramic armor plate that protects the chest and back, 31 were close to the plate’s edge."