Procrastination is an awesome thing.
I stole this from fecundmellow because, well, distraction and procrastination are good. (And how can I resist avidly reading a blog whose owner’s handle is “fecundmellow”? Faulkner lovers, unite!)
This is why they love me.
People seem to love me for my responses. If you poke me, I may squeal. If you sneak up behind me at work, I will become flustered and distracted. I get worked up, I giggle, I laugh, I frown. I’m a walking, talking, entertainment center.
“He’s fond of you.”
That’s just the coolest of quaint sayings, particularly when it’s said to me. This has been a fairly up and down (but mostly up) week. I’m tired and decently sleep-deprived, but some of that comes from inefficiency in working earlier this week. Took me a minute to bite the bullet and accept that vacation was over. The newspaper this week was very mediocre, and borderline bad; I mean that in terms of the entire experience, not only the end product. And it was pretty much all my fault. I fucked up in so many ways because I let fatigue and impatience and the thought of a couple hours of homework…
I want a bread machine
Just so I can make Bread Machine Doughnuts. I am so craving sugar, and all the apples and grapes in the world aren’t helping.
Sometimes, it’s the little things.
Several groups on campus here are starting a SafeZone program, where the general idea is to “identify people and places where students can seek support free of bigotry and harassment”. Wonderful idea, and it’s been about a year in the making. At any rate, at the NSBE meeting I attended last night, a draft of the main race-related SafeZone documents circulated for approval. I took the time to read them out of curiosity. Of particular interest to me was the question “What is white privilege?” (I broke their frames in order to directly link to the page in question.) Their list is well worth reading and is highly enlightening, whether…