And now with a serving of cheese.
Or: Move along, folks. Nothing to see here. Continue Reading And now with a serving of cheese.
Who’s yo’ cripple?
I’m yo’ cripple. Went to the Rose doc today on account of the foot nastiness, and he said, “We’re taking the weight off.” Whether it’s ligamental, a stress fracture, or a full fracture, taking the weight off is probably a sound idea. So I have crutches. (Whoa, buddy you can build up dangerous momentum with those things, and corners are eViL.) I have a referral to get an X-Ray, but my father—and, subsequently, I—is/am/are between medical insurances with the new job, so I have to find out how much that’ll run me out-of-pocket. Grr. No running, no walking, no biking. Just upper-body weight-lifting, if I’m so inclined. Can’t say I…
Better than New Year’s Resolutions. Or is it?
I was looking back at my New Year’s resolutions of last year. I cannot currently run 10-minute miles for a half-hour (le sigh). If I study more or stress more about schoolwork, I’d probably need to be locked the hell up. So there’s one success. Post-undergrad thoughts are still up in the air, but I’m looking at some specific things; no internship yet, so there’s another non-complete. Doing and done the creative writing thing. So there’s two. I shed those thirty-plus pounds. Three. Johnny is dead. *shrug* Didn’t take up a martial art, but I have learned a hell of a lot about self-defense. I’ve been following Mr. T‘s progress…
Back in the Dirty Dirty
Not much to say about the New Year’s party I attended. What I’d call the “good folks” from my mother’s family showed up, drank and danced, then all drove home. Grr. Couldn’t convince a single one of them to let me or Mother-dear play DD, the sons of bitches. Mother-dear and I knew it was going to be prime-time to get in some pictures, though. The T family, tipsy and relaxed and not fighting? Gotta have it, particularly since I haven’t seen these folks in at least seven years, and more like ten in some cases. Our camera (an old too-expensive Kodak from before the “megapixel” days; I think my…
The Hyena has done it again.
I hurt myself trying to be quiet reading The Hyena’s latest post tonight. I haven’t giggled this hard in too many weeks. So, so wrong… Edit: Must add the Budget Food Roundup, Part 1. Attempting to hold in screaming laughter at almost-02:00 is not good for one’s health; it simply can’t be. Part 2 exists, but isn’t as funny as the first one.