Meeting the Prez
So I aided in giving an interview to our school’s president this afternoon on behalf of the Thorn. I’ve been working on this tribute to Dr. H, but had yet to actually meet the man. Bob, Brandon (the Opinions Ed. of the paper), and I went to his house with film equipment and taped about an hour and a half of interview on everything from his fight to bring coeducation to Rose (articles that me and another writer are working on) to things students indicated they wanted to know in a survey we sent around. Such as whether he wears boxers or briefs. Ugh. At any rate, Dr. H is…
Tres cute.
I’m not a big fan of quizzes and the like, but I thought this one was cute, particularly the “we are vicicously beating those responsible for your insecurity” bit. (Quiz found via Hannah.) Take the What High SchoolStereotype Are You? quiz.
And then there were a couple of answers…
See the end for added question sets. From Luke: 1.) What would it take to get you to hop on one foot and pat your head and rub your tummy? It would probably take more alcohol than I would be willing to consume. Since I don’t drink at all, I can’t give you a more exact figure than that. Maybe a few whiffs of that permanent marker could do it, though. 2.) So, where would you (and I want the truth) like to have the Thorn banquet? I can honestly find something most places. Seriously. If we go to the damn Japanese steakhouse, I’ll just cool out and enjoy the…
A bland update on a bland weekend.
It’s been another long week, but it’s over, and the less said on it, the better. Except for the fact that Mae is sick and didn’t get the Sophomore Advisor spot, which means she’s feeling miserable and second-guessing herself left and right. She’s also avoiding me, because I threatened to straight-jacket her ass into a hospital if she’s still sick today. Or to call her mother. I’m just trying to pass chemistry, understand Calculus, run my three pages of the newspaper, and get a little sleep–and in that order, it seems. Mae and I didn’t go to the formal last night. Her stomach virus was still hitting her full force,…
So I’m probably the caboose of this train, but…
This “Three Questions” bit that’s been going around is interesting. I’m not sure how much response I’ll get, but I’ll open it here. Three questions, anything you want. I reserve the right to not answer if the question could get me or someone else in a world of hurt or trouble, but other than that, it’s all fair game. Whatever you want to know. And don’t be afeared to stick your name on the comments. I don’t bite. Well, not unless you ask nicely.