Weekly Linkage: With a Bit of Politics
This week’s internet cruising: EJ Flavors – Cupid’s Hunt 2012 – Lost And Found: The Lost – An excellent Valentine's Day mix by EJ Flavors. Yeah, I know it's barely even February anymore, but Angela Bofill's "I Try" puts chills up my spine whenever I hear it. Google to Sell Heads-Up Display Glasses by Year’s End – NYTimes.com – I'm totally going to want to be an early adopter of these. If they seem promising, it'd be worth switching to contact lenses for. World population statistics – I always like these types of infographics. ^_^ Slavery By Another Name – I heard this on my local NPR station the other…
New TC story: “White Hat”
Happy Saturday! I have a new Transhuman Congress story, “White Hat” posted, in which a hopefully-suspiciously-familiar character is introduced. It directly follows “Spiral’s End” in Lina’s arc. “Who are you, Jayden?” we asked. He giggled, then stopped suddenly and said in a hoarse whisper, “I’m not who I should be. Instead of being born the wrong person, I was born not anyone. Just like an artie.” We weren’t sure what to say to that. Anima sat down cross-legged on the floor. “What do you do?” He glanced up at Lonnie, then back down at us. “I do what I must, what I have to, what I shouldn’t.”
New TC story: Spiral’s End
Finally! A new story! Even my wrist won’t hold me down. Less than a week left in the cast! Before I give the link to the story, though, here’s a big, tacky warning: this story is explicit. It’s dark and includes drugs and sex. Okay, that’s done. “Spiral’s End” is a new Transhuman Congress story, and is a step in Lina’s path to her corronation as Empress, mentioned in “Cultivating Progress“. It’s part of the “Rise of an Empress arc, which the other Lina development stories have been moved into.
New Transhuman Congress story: “Cultivating Progress”
I finished up the Transhuman Congress arc of Ted with the story “Cultivating Progress“: “I guess it’s my turn now,” drawled Baud Scoli of the mid-Atlantic region. I paid more attention. A stocky, bare-headed woman of middle years, Scoli was notoriously blunt but generally fair, in my opinion. “I don’t know why the hell we’re all on parade, honestly,” she started. “Conscript the artificials and leave the real people out of it. Done.” There should be a lot of fun tidbits for folks frustrated with a lack of answers thus far in the series. If you – like I – don’t remember what was going on in the plot, check…
“Ensuring Safety” posted
It’s been a couple of weeks since I posted a story. No good excuse other than “what in the hell happened to my life?”. “Ensuring Safety” follows the Transhuman Congress story “Expanding Borders“. It’s probably a good idea to (re)read the first part before jumping into the second part. Enjoy: I took a deep breath and dialed the number. “Theodore Sbili?” said a soft voice that — I’d have sworn — chittered. There was something insectoid about the voice, a little click under the words. “That’s me,” I said slowly.