Ossuary 25% Off on Steam!
Ossuary -- Future Proof's first commercial game release -- is part of the Steam Summer Sale and will be 25% off until July 4. If you haven't had a chance to play yet, it's only $7.50 (USD). If you're on the fence, the demo, "The Hodge-Podge Transformer," is also on Steam. Continue Reading Ossuary 25% Off on Steam!
Holy Crap, Ossuary Is on Steam
Today. Right now. Over there on Steam. Greg and I have a D&D game tonight. He’s the sucker that’s GMing, so I’ll be staring at stats on my phone and checking email all night while absentmindedly rolling dice for my diva Avandra-worshiping Shardmind ardent.
Good reads
It’s been a loooong time since I posted some good reading. 5 Things I Learned as the Internet’s Most Hated Person | Cracked.com "I watched every avenue of social media suddenly blow up with messages of abject hatred from thousands of strangers. For the first five days, I couldn't sleep. Every time I would start to doze off, I'd be shocked awake from half-asleep nightmares about everyone I love buying into the mob's bullshit and abandoning me. The ceaseless barrage of random people sending you disgusting shit is initially impossible to drown out — it was constant, loud, and it became my life." They Are Not Trolls. They Are Men.…
Ossuary Now on Steam Greenlight; Plus Some Feels
Ossuary, that game we released back in November, is now on Steam Greenlight. Greenlight is a weird phenomenon, and I’m aware that there are folks who read this who might not know how it works. Which is okay, because even the rest of us kinda don’t.
Future Proof Has a Blog!
Go read it and subscribe! We’re just getting warmed up, but there’s an announcement there that will be of some interest to folks who might be asking, “Whatcha working on now that Ossuary is released?” I’ve got a couple of posts lined that will likely end up there–I’ve been playing in the world of free-to-play (mobile) games on my shiny and fast new phone, and the ethics of the set are… fascinating.