2011 Gardening: Some Stall, Some Progress
Let’s go ahead and get the bad out of the way: Stalls I put several of the two-leaf seedlings outside for a day or two, thinking that sun is awesome. Tomatoes want “full sun”, right? …Sun isn’t awesome.
2011 Gardening: The Start of Awesomeness
This spring–and, admittedly, my impending marriage–brought out my green thumb. The prospect of moving this summer to an apartment that will probably have fewer windows makes me want more green in my house. Much to Greg and Chris’s amusement, I’m planting almost everything I get my hands on: a peach pit (planted before winter in the hopes of a spring sprout that hasn’t come), cilantro (from packaged seeds), basil (also from packaged seeds), tomatoes (packaged seeds), garlic cloves (unused in a risotto dinner), orange seeds (from a late-night snack), and a green onion (unused from a frittata meal) This is all in addition to my two trusty cacti (a saguaro…