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    Two shooting stars and a sky full of quiet darkness

    I realized Saturday night that I haven’t stargazed since I was twelve or thirteen and lived out in rural Texas. I found a spot on campus during my fretful wanderings that is absolutely perfect–no one on campus can see you, the sounds of campus (endless refridgerated air units, party sounds, just people sounds in general) drop away almost completely. You can also see the stars, because the lighting all over campus is largely blocked. I don’t know what the odds are of seeing two shooting stars in very rapid succession, but I managed to do so that night. I dislike city-living more than ever right now. It’s the little things…

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    On experimentation with things self-forbidden

    That’d be alcohol, of course. I decided last night that I was in a sufficiently stable and pleasant state of mind that most likely very little mental damage would be done if I chose to experiment some with my own self-forbidden fruit. I won’t recount what I drank or how much, because it’s irrelevant and stupid. I did it like I do everything else I choose to be curious about–unadulterated, straight to the point. I saw (and see) no point in pussyfooting around with juices and sodas and making things taste better. I wanted to imprint the real tastes and sensations in my mind, and I wanted it to be…

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    The Guy’s Guide to Geek Girls. HiIlarity. My commentary? Spock >> Kirk. I mean, damn. Was this ever a question? Han Solo vs. Skywalker? Eh. Harrison Ford’s sneaky/dirty-old-man persona? Awesomely cute, depite the fact that the man must have 40 years on me. Beats Mark Hamill (as I’ve seen him in the Star Wars movies, at least) by miles.

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    Stressor de la semaine

    This week, it’s the Thorn. I fucked up last week and cost the paper $222. According to O., this is “appaling”. Poke, poke, rip. Part of me wants to go, “Hey, why don’t you take that out of my paych–oh, wait,” but I like money, and I like money for the Thorn, so I most likely should just suck it up and do better this week. I was cornered last night by our assistant ad manager, who offered (suggested, really) to come in on Thursday nights to double check things. I came very close to giving the pair of them page 2, which contains only ads and classifieds. That way,…

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    Stolen from EJ: Think of 3 pictures you’d like to see. Leave whatever you’d like to see in the comments. Things around my [dorm/campus/Thorn office], or whatever… something I can take a picture of easily. Once I have enough requests, I’ll start posting them. If I can’t or won’t take a picture of something you’ve requested, I’ll let you know. Hey, why not? All this bandwidth I’m paying for, surely it doesn’t get enough use. And my photographer uses a real camera, so the Thorn’s digital is available, if I’m sneaky about it. Any takers?