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    Taking a break and counting de Reese’s

    First Reese’s cup: 02:10. Computer Architecture Homework #1 done. Albeit with many tears and some crucial help from Luke. So he gets a Reese’s cup tomorrow later if I remember, and I’m trying not to feel bad for breaking my “no help” rule, even though I gave him credit on the assignment. How many hours did I spend trying to find a way to symbolically separate a 32-bit immediate (constant) into its two halves in MIPS assembly? Let’s not count, shall we? I’m going to steal a little of Luke’s thunder and make mention of his story about keeping things in perspective. Actually, I’m just going to mention the key…

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    Clayton Miller Blues Band

    They were the family band I mentioned from the Blues Festival this weekend. They have a website … featuring the pipsqueak with the harmonica. Their CD (Gotta Have Love), which Luke bought at the show and which he was kind enough to drop by last night for my listening pleasure, is pretty damn good. It grows on you. This blues thing is kinda cool…

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    Being festive with the Blues

    Since I had finished all my homework due Monday, when Luke invited me to Blues at the Crossroads, a blues festival in downtown Terre Haute, I jumped on the opportunity for a little fun. That, and the fact that I almost never go out on Friday and Saturday nights, but often want to, clinched the matter. For a Terre Haute gathering, it was crowded. It had nothing on city-size festivals, and even UNC’s Fall Fest was substantially more crowded. I could easily move through the crowd without touching anyone if I judged my paths correctly. I’m still weird about crowds, so it took me a minute to warm up to…

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    So, I’m a Jedi Knight apprentice, apparently

    An eight-hour night of sleep has done wonders for me. There’s a certain… distance or barrier, like a thick pane of glass, between my current emotions and my angst of yesterday. Just yesterday evening at dinner, I couldn’t talk about anything related to my state of mind without fighting tears. Bleh. This morning, though, I felt a lot better; I don’t know that anything is “fixed”, per se, but I’ve danced back from the precipice I was inching towards. What this has to do with me being a padawan, I don’t know. Then again, maybe it’s more related than I think.