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    Not-a-review: A Very Hungry Girl

    I wrote yesterday that I was 39 pages into Jessica Weiner’s A Very Hungry Girl (beware: affiliate link!). I went ahead and finished it last night. I’ll admit that I was a little disappointed by the book, as it soon began to describe Weiner’s work in far more detail than her personal struggles. It became — to a certain degree — more about “stuff” than “people”, even though her work as a writer, director, and performer of motivational works is very much about people. But we went from a nitty-gritty view of her world and the people around her to a 1000-foot view of her work. Even the occasional mention…

  • On Life and Love

    Tastee (del.icio.us) links! (April 25th)

    Links for April 25th from 15:30 to 20:48: The Psychology of the $1000 Emergency Fund | I've Paid For This Twice Already… – A commenter's word choice really got me: "For people who have never had a comma in their savings account before, getting to that magic number can be a real encouragement to keep saving money." I've never had a comma in my savings account. Excellent read. Twenty Sided » Blog Archive » Serious Sam:The Mayhem Shooter – This description/review of Serious Sam is rather accurate. WO and I played SS 2 for an afternoon and loved getting to blow shit up. I enjoy mayhem games that require very…

  • On Life and Love

    Tastee (del.icio.us) links

    Links for April 17th from 17:33 to 19:07: Push-ups giving women a bad rep – I am all about doing full-length pushups. Anyway, this article is a good look at the value of pushups and what the reputation of women being unable to do them means for gender issues in our society. globeandmail.com: Women runners: Let fat be the fuel that helps you cross the finish line – This is something interesting — the relationship between fat intake and running injuries. I can see the correlation, but the causation is lacking. They mention lacking energy for basic bodily functions — why not just advise folks to eat more calories?

  • On Life and Love

    Tastee linkage

    The upgrade to WordPress 2.5 meant that my plugin for posting links went away for a while. There may be a duplicate or two towards the bottom of this list, but I have culled it a bit. Big, Brass Ones: Threat Level exploits cross-site scripting bug on CIA.gov – Boing Boing Gadgets – This is pretty dang slick. I need to find out how they've done that, exactly. Twenty Sided » Blog Archive » JC Denton: Not Just a Tough Guy – The clothing of Deus Ex. "I felt ridiculous having these philosophical and political conversations while dressed as a Morpheus cosplayer." The Swamp: Obama: Won't ask, don't mind tellin'…

  • On Life and Love

    Daily tasteeness (2008-02-06)

    ZTD Habit 1: Collect | Zen Habits I like his reasoning for going analog in capturing input. In the last week, I’ve misplaced two styluses for my PDA, rendering it unhelpful in capturing data. A stack of index cards would take up about the same amount of space and be less frustrating. Kids’ how-to-cheat videos – Boing Boing Wow — I never put this much energy into cheating, even when I did cheat back in early high school. I always just cheated out of laziness — I didn’t feel like doing the homework, so I’d copy the work. The discussion after the article is fun, too. The Pros and Cons…