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    So Luke made the mistake of pointing me to another blog…

    …and this time I caught myself before posting a blog-in-a-comment. Mel-Anon wrote a witty entry: “The best of both worlds”. That has me pondering dating and all that stuff that might follow. The author (Ken? couldn’t find an about page) wrote: “I have a feeling this is going to come out sounding really awkward, but I’m going to try and say it anyway. I have a rather self-defeating attraction to independent, self-sufficient women. […] I say that it is self-defeating since it is naturally those kind of people who don’t feel any additional pressure to have a significant other, let alone sad old me.” As (I guess…) one of those…

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    Challenge du jour.

    Writing at least 2k words or a complete part (chapter) from the perspective of an oppositely-gendered person. In other words, writing a chapter in a standard non-omniscient third-person perspective that lives in a male character’s head… I’ve never lived in a guy’s mind. How’s it work, I wonder?

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    Grades were… better than expected. The two classes I struggled with consistently and put the most time into due to my ignorance throughout the quarter had the lowest grades–awesome–but the grades weren’t “slit my wrists and leave Rose” grades. I suspect some grade scale juggling in my other two classes, but honestly, the grades don’t do so bad in reflecting both my understanding of the material (in all four) and my levels of enjoyment of the classes.

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    A running log, but not of the physical sort.

    Three states, one day (Nov. 18, 2004, 15:45) Indiana: Lissa: No, I didn’t get a lot of sleep, either. My dumb ass went out to get food.Kitty Cat: With a boy? How long does it take to get food?Lissa: Apparently about three hours. I very much should have known better.Kitty Cat: How late did you get back from hanging out with “the boy”?Lissa: About–wait a minute. What? Boys.Kitty Cat: Damn [disappointed at the lack of gossip]. You a pimp?Lissa: Ha. Only of the intellectual sort.Kitty Cat: Ah. Well, go Lissa!Lissa: Um, yeah. I don’t think she quite got my reference… I should have freaked her the hell out with an…