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    Surface Break

    I decided to post something here today, just to say hey, and maybe, just maybe, to bitch a little bit. Particularly about this (slow load, and it opens in a new window). I’m still not sure how much bitching I’m going to do. The exams are going well. They are all suspiciously easy, however. I don’t attribute that to any heavy studying, because, well, people who haven’t studied much at all (myself included on some of them) think they’re easy as well. I would expect the IB exams to be easier, because of the way the program works. For those that don’t know, IB courses consists of internal and exteral…

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    The Nitty-Gritty

    Hmm… I think I’ve actually used that title before… Oh, well, who said my “everyday thoughts” had to be original? Of course, they aren’t very everyday, now, are they? And I have no excuse. Not that I would make one anyway. I will give reasons, however, although I won’t go into the deep, mysterious differences between reasons and excuses. First and foremost, I’m hankering to redesign this site. I love changing the design again and again and having fun with CSS layouts, but I’m having a little trouble with this one in my head. I’m not an artistic or creative person, by any means, and there are two things I…

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    Isn’t it funny how it’s always the fucker shh’ing people that turns the ever so quiet testing environment into a mass of shifting, sighing people? Maybe it’s just me. Yes, I disappeared for a tenday or so (I’ve always wanted an excuse to use that word). Last week was Spring Break and I went into a book- and music-lover’s hole. In other words, I had not a single interesting thought that would fit in here. I didn’t even leave my house until Wednesday afternoon, and that was just a “short” trip (if any trip is actually short in Charlotte’s traffic) to pick up some books. If you are even remotely…

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    Thanks to the coolness of someone who shall remain nameless (because of laws… and all that stuff… and stuff…) I have gotten my hands on some DiFranco music. I hope I didn’t… injure the server with my rampant downloading… But it’s fascinating stuff. Little did I know that I had heard a song by her before, from the Jackal soundtrack, a non-acoustic version of “Joyful Girl”. I remember listening to it for quite a while, and being rather mystified by her voice, particularly in combination with the music. That was actually the CD I happened to have in my CD-ROM when I first played Quake (the original), meaning I was…

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    I like memes, too

    This is supposed to be one of those things to help folks that don’t know me learn a little about me, as though my About page weren’t helpful enough, but this site is all about me, me, me anyway, so there’s probably nothing new here. But I’ll jump on the meme bandwagon. This one, anyway. Name = Melissa. I doubt very much my parents actually cared that the meaning of my name is “Honey Bee” (among other things). I think they just randomly picked it from a book. That’s okay, though. They did, however, stick me with two middle names. Now, when’s the last time you saw a form accomodating…