Ooh, ooh! Pictures!
Completely un-Photoshopped for anything other than size, because I’m le tired…
From left to right: My former mini-boss (News Editor Emeritus), Bob, and Luke.
My former mini-boss and Luke, cheesing for the camera when she needs to be writing that damn article…
My former mini-boss, Luke, and L., who is the current Assistant News Editor.
From a couple of weeks ago, the Sexy Leprechaun (Entertainment Editor) and our Opinions Editor dressed up for the Multimedia Night (music, movies, stand-up comedy, and live bands–much fun).
Those two again. Ow, ow.
And last but not least, me breaking my no-pictures rule. I hope I’m easily identifiable. This was taken before I left for a nap at 23:00, when the energy levels were still up.
One Comment
the pics are awesome! [8)]