Duo-who? And there goes my weekend
So Jenn, the silly woman who doesn’t understand the depth of my music addiction, gets wind that I like music with a Middle Eastern flare. So she says, “Well, I’ve got a CD you’d like,” and goes on to tell me the band is French/Turkish and plays an interesting instrument I’ve never heard of [by name] in my life. And then she slips me the CD, and my weekend is gone. The band is Duoud. Here is the first minute (which ends rather abruptly–I couldn’t set the duration of the fade out in Audacity, so I didn’t use one) of the seventh ninth track off their CD Wild Serenade, “Berlin…
One, two, skip a few, 99, 100…
This morning’s run was awesome. First mile down in 10:50, which is entirely too fast for my liking. I want 12:00 min/mi until I can run for 45 minutes non-stop. In the middle of my 0.50 mi recovery walk (weak stomach and asthma flare-up, another sign of too fast a pace), my music player died. When I picked up again for the second interval, I was able to go slowly enough that the limiting factor was upper body posture, rather than lungs or stomach. And when I stopped after a mile to cool down, I wasn’t even tired. I’m confident that I could have gone on for another half mile.…
Word du jour
Sulfamethoxazole. Pronounced “sulfa-methox-sizzle”. For rizzle. Say that shit three times fast. It’s a sulfa drug that’s beginning to live in water at low concentrations, and we’re testing its degradation in a TiO2 or TiON suspension. It’s also damned insoluble in water, and I’ve gone through three volumetrics to get a stock solution containing only 0.1000 grams of this stuff.
No run this morning. My legs appreciate the break, and my entire body appreciates the extra sleep.
One mile, high reproducibility
Today was the first day in my entire life I have run a mile without stopping. I didn’t clock it, because I usually clock my first mile, which includes my 0.25 mi. warm-up, rather than my first mile with a quarter-mile offset. But my first mile was 12:05 today. And the mile run wasn’t killer. By the end of the final lap, I was having some trouble controlling my breathing, and phlegm production had increased significantly. A quarter-mile recovery walk was sufficient for me to pick up and run another 0.625 mi. I would call that a “highly reproducible” run, which makes me all kinds of giddy. I only did…