I finally finished Harry Potter #4. About time… Now to write a review of that and the last book I read.
Being festive with the Blues
Since I had finished all my homework due Monday, when Luke invited me to Blues at the Crossroads, a blues festival in downtown Terre Haute, I jumped on the opportunity for a little fun. That, and the fact that I almost never go out on Friday and Saturday nights, but often want to, clinched the matter. For a Terre Haute gathering, it was crowded. It had nothing on city-size festivals, and even UNC’s Fall Fest was substantially more crowded. I could easily move through the crowd without touching anyone if I judged my paths correctly. I’m still weird about crowds, so it took me a minute to warm up to…
Just like that.
Did another almost-five-miler today, but it was rather rough on the return trip, and I had to walk a little to keep my lungs from doing seriously bad things. But I did it. As an estimator of distance (and to confirm my labelling my runs five-milers), I noticed the quarter-mile markers today. In one direction, I run from marker 16 to some distance past marker 7, but not quite to 6, meaning it is in fact over 2.25 miles at the halfway mark. Meaning I can legitimately keep calling them five-milers. I mean, what’s a tenth of a mile when you’re doing five, right? I jest. But I’m still not…
So, I’m a Jedi Knight apprentice, apparently
An eight-hour night of sleep has done wonders for me. There’s a certain… distance or barrier, like a thick pane of glass, between my current emotions and my angst of yesterday. Just yesterday evening at dinner, I couldn’t talk about anything related to my state of mind without fighting tears. Bleh. This morning, though, I felt a lot better; I don’t know that anything is “fixed”, per se, but I’ve danced back from the precipice I was inching towards. What this has to do with me being a padawan, I don’t know. Then again, maybe it’s more related than I think.
I am such a punk.
How am I going to break down and blow up at Bob tonight, followed by almost a half-hour of uncontrolled crying? It rendered me useless for a good hour, and I still cried even while I worked on Comp. Arch. before starting the Thorn. The problem? There ain’t one. There is absolutely nothing fucking wrong with me other than a little fatigue that I can’t even justify in terms of sleep or stress. So my schedule is busy. It’s not undoable. Hell, I’m doing it. So my research is taking a lot more of my weekday time than I planned on. We all know that life is what happens while…