• Uncategorized

    A lonely journey

    My weight is something I struggle to understand and tame. It’s something I’ve been actively fighting with since my freshman year of college, and the best analogy I have for the process is trying to grab a fallen bar of soap in the shower. Sometimes you can grab on (as I did that first year), only to lose it again a moment later.

  • On Life and Love

    Recharging… Fire!

    The way I spend my breaks has been changing since I arrived at Rose. I just spent my entire week’s vacation holed up in my apartment, watching movies and television shows, playing video games, reading, and writing. I checked my email twice, and both times with dread. I free-formed once. I only stepped foot on campus once (with the exception of workouts), and that was for WO to grab a few things. Every other time he needed to go on campus, I stayed in my car and read. I didn’t log onto AIM after about Monday, although I stayed on GTalk most of the time. One of the things I…