Weekly Linkage: Passports, Robots, and Monopoly
This week’s internet cruising:
- No Moods, Ads or Cutesy Fucking Icons (Re-reloaded) » Extraordinary Claims – Dust off your scientific hats for this one. Watts does an interesting analysis of the responses to a paper showing statistically significant evidence of precognition. Other folks apparently jumped all over the precog article with some borderline dishonest critiques, which Watts chews on.
- The “…the fuck…” exercise. « intangible.ca – Hear, hear. "Think of the last time you had to write an About Us page. Or a FAQ. Or craft an elevator pitch.
The big challenge is coming up with a clear, engaging, and succinct description of your project."
- Change in passport language is boon to gay rights activists – "'There are relationships that are immediately implied by mother and father that aren't implied by Parent 1 and Parent 2,' he said. 'It's not just a change to more bureaucratic language, it's a redefinition of the relationship.'"
And how is this a bad thing?
- Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal – This is totally what my robots are going to do.
- How propaganda poisons the mind – and our discourse – Glenn Greenwald – Salon.com – The Guardian, The Atlantic, and The Wall Street Journal all published nasty falsehoods concerning Wikileaks, but could only lower themselves to make half-assed apologies on the matter.
- Three Word Phrase, by Ryan Pequin – I love Monopoly for just this reason.